



Department of Public Safety Tag

Do You Need Insurance to Get Your License Reinstated After a DUI?

Do You Need Insurance to Get Your License Reinstated After a DUI?

After you get arrested for suspected DUI, you may have your driving privileges revoked and need to get your license reinstated along with new insurance. If you fail a breathalyzer or blood test, or if you refuse a test, the officer or the Oklahoma Department of Public Safety will give you a piece of paper explaining license revocation. This document acts as your driver’s license for 30 days. When that 30 day period expires, the DPS will revoke your driving privileges. For a first offense DUI, the revocation lasts 180 days. You can request an administrative hearing in the first 15...

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What Is an Oklahoma DUI Clinical Assessment, and Why Do You Receive One?

What Is an Oklahoma DUI Clinical Assessment, and Why Do You Receive One?

Many drivers make it a priority to get their licenses back after revocation because of a DUI. In Oklahoma, those convicted of driving under the influence who have their licenses revoked usually must complete a DUI clinical assessment and any intervention recommendations first. The DUI clinical assessment is also called an ADSAC assessment. ADSAC stands for Alcohol and Drug Substance Abuse Course. How Do I Get an ADSAC Assessment? Locate a certified ADSAC assessor through the Oklahoma Department of Public Safety, Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, or your DUI defense lawyer. Schedule an appointment for an ADSAC assessment or...

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The Erin Swezey Act and Ignition Interlock Devices

The Erin Swezey Act and Ignition Interlock Devices

The Erin Swezey Act imposes strict penalties requiring ignition interlock devices for people convicted of driving under the influence. The Act went into effect in 2011 and is named after an Oklahoman killed by a drunk driver. An ignition interlock device prevents a driver who has consumed a certain detectable level of alcohol from operating a motor vehicle. Generally, the devices have a small spout that drivers blow into and a screen shows whether the driver has exceeded the blood alcohol limit. If so, the driver cannot start the car. Usually there is a waiting period before the driver can try...

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Could You Lose Your Driver’s License Because of a Drug Charge?

Could You Lose Your Driver’s License Because of a Drug Charge?

Drug-related charges have consequences that not everyone expects. For example, a charge of driving under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or both results in revocation of your driver’s license unless you challenge the revocation within 15 days. Further, a charge of drug possession likely will result in license revocation. A “DUI” crime in Oklahoma includes not only driving while intoxicated by alcohol, but also driving while under the influence of any intoxicating or controlled substance. This may include prescription drugs and controlled dangerous substances (illegal drugs). Using any amount of an illegal drug while driving is a crime. 47 O.S. §...

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Which to Choose: Administrative Hearing or Modified Driver’s License?

Which to Choose: Administrative Hearing or Modified Driver’s License?

During your arrest on DUI charges, an Oklahoma police officer seized your driver’s license. You still need to drive to get around town, but you are not sure how or if you can get your license back. Do you need to apply for an administrative hearing or request a modified driver’s license? If you want to continue driving, the answer is yes. Administrative Hearing Drivers who have their licenses seized may get them back quickly if they request administrative hearings with the Department of Public Safety. You will receive the police officer’s affidavit regarding the license revocation. If your license was valid...

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